Between Lives Spiritual Regression Training

Reena is a certified trainer for the Past Life Regression Academy (PLRA) , founded by Andy Tomlinson. She developed Professional Between Lives Spiritual Regression home study training for the PLRA after delivering classroom Between Lives Spiritual Regression training for several years in Singapore, Australia, UK, and the USA.

Between Lives Regression Training UK & US


This explores a client’s soul memories in the spirit realms from the last past life to the current life using hypnosis. The client returns to wakeful consciousness with a deeper understanding and commitment to live out their current life purpose. It lasts for 4 hours and is based on the research of Dr Michael Newton. Some of the soul memories include the past life death point, leaving the physical body and being welcomed by Spirits of Light such as Spirit Guides and Teachers. Many clients discover a spiritual family of souls they reincarnate with to do meaningful work over many life times that are called soul groups.


A highlight of the regression is meeting the ‘Elders’. These are Spirits of Light that have attained a level of experience and wisdom that does not require them to physically reincarnate. They review the progress of the soul before them and can replay any of its past lives and discus aspects until the soul understands what will be expected in the next life. Done with love, compassion and the participation of the soul it leads to the next physical incarnation having a purpose. Goals are set based on the patterns from previous karmic experiences and new lessons are agreed between the soul, its Spirit Guide and the Elders. The session finishes with the soul memories of reincarnating into this life and joining the baby’s physical body still in the womb. The Spirits of Light that direct the Earth’s destiny appear to be permitting us to have more information and understanding of our spiritual life.

Between Lives Regression Training UK & US


The objective is for the student to gain the skills and knowledge to guide a client into deep hypnosis and through their soul memories. The Between Lives Regression home study training uses videos of Reena’s classroom lectures, a live role play to develop Between Lives Regression questioning skills, reading and writing assignments and five supervised case studies. Student evaluation by the assigned supervisor will be based on practical and theory exercises and between lives regression case studies. 

The entry requirement is a qualification in Hypnosis and a qualification in Past Life Regression and at least one year experience using them.

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Training Outline

The home study between lives training includes:

  • Preparation and interview
  • Hypnotic deepening techniques
  • The crossover 
  • Rejuvenation healing energy 
  •  Spirit Guides and Teachers
  • Soul groups
  • Physical body selection 
  • Reincarnation
  • Overcoming blockages
  • Seeking advice for the clients from the Elders
  • Past session Integration 
  • Non human soul types and how to work with them

For an application form contact Andy Tomlinson email; regressionacademy@gmail.com

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What my clients have to say

Reena is one of the most amazing therapists and spiritual guides I have ever come across on my journey. She supported me in dealing with some of my worst nightmares and also guided me to transform my life in ways that I didn't believe would be possible for me. She is incredibly intuitive, efficient and dedicated to helping you achieve your personal goals. She is both strong and delicate and very well-rounded, which makes you feel that she has a tool for every need that you may have during your process. She remains my go to person in the moments when I did a bit of extra help to overcome an issue.


Certification Qualification

  • A Foundation Certificate in Hypnosis or another hypnosis qualification (minimum of 32 hours of tutor contact)
  • A qualification in Past Life Therapy or Regression Therapy
  • Successfully complete the Life Between Lives home study training
  • Complete written and reading assignments
  • A written summary of five client sessions
  • A recording of one client session for skill assessment

For more information on past life and regression therapy training and past life and between lives books.

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